Wednesday, December 16, 2009


and the winner is....David again. Can anyone beat him? lol
In the last game the photo was of Austria.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? this is.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Vacation Spot

Ariel is the winner of the last game. It is schnitzel but specifically Jägerschnitzel because of the mushroom sauce on top. It is a popular dish in Germany and typically served with fries at restaurants.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? the country of this vacation spot is.

Thursday, November 12, 2009


The winner of last week's game is both David and Ralph. It's a scene from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess but was also in the Super Smash Bro: Brawl game.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? the name of this dish is.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


No winner in the last game. Cindy came close but not quite there yet. It's a FlowerPod. It's a device that measures the electricity usage in your home.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? game this screenshot came from.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


No one got the answer right of the last Guess What? game. So I left it on a little longer than usual. I was also too busy being sick. I wish I could have said I was on a long vacation hopping islands, but it was more like a never ending illness popping medications.

The answer to last week's game is George Sabra. He is a sculptor with world-wide recognition. His unique style uses many materials from the environment to create pieces that appear a hand woven blend of natural elements.

George's artwork can be found in The Vatican, as well as high-profile public entities and private collections. His work has been featured in multiple publications including National Geographic Magazine.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? this is.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


The winner of the last Guess What??? game is David Cliff! He's in the lead with 3 wins! Come on everyone, he needs some competition. Show him what's up! lol

The last photo is of a Grass Armchair. It's a DIY cardboard armchair frame along with a package of grass seeds. Just fill it with soil and put in the seeds and watch your Grass chair grow before your eyes. Once it's finished growing you get to sit on the grass but in the comfort of a chair with an arm rest.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? or I should say Who the artist is of this sculpture.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Congrats Weidas! He was last week's winner and got the answer right on the same day!

The photo still was from the 1st X-Men movie. I watched it and can't even remember that scene.

NEW GAME: Guess What??? this is?

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I Watch

The winner of last week's guessing game is Ariel!

The photo of the little critter is of an Axolotl. It is a mole salamander also known as the Mexican Walking Fish. They are carnivorous animals. Axolotls can re-grow their legs, tails, heart muscles, and even spinal cords.

I saw a real live axolotl at the Reptile store a few days ago. I’m debating if I should get one as a pet. Wouldn’t that be intriguing to see it regenerate a new leg?

NEW GAME: Guess What??? movie this movie still was taken from.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


The winner of last week's game is Noah!

The logo is from Carlo Colucci clothing brand. A German entrepreneur created the brand inspired by the Italian lifestyle. The brand has a noble, high-quality and high value image. The clothing are regarded as luxury items. The best-known brand products are expensive. The sweaters are often regarded as prestige.

NEW GAME: Guess What? this animal is.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wear Me

The winner of last week's game is David Cliff. So far there are 3 people tied for the lead.

The picture of the poop-like substance on the plate is Huitlacoche which is a fungal, culinary delicacy that grows on ears of corn. It is eaten in Mexico. The rich, smoky ingredient is used in foods like tamales, soups, quesadillas, appetizers, and ice cream. While farmers treat huitlacoche as an infectious disease that ruins corn crops, it has a long history in the cuisine of Aztecs, Hopi, and Zuni.

NEW GAME: This is a Logo for a name brand clothing line, can you Guess What the name of the clothing line is?

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Congrats to Long for getting last week's guessing game answer correct on the same day!

The answer was Stolichnaya Elit! A ultra luxury Russian vodka that goes for $135 a 1.75L bottle in America. It is the first "ultra-premium " vodka to be imported to the states. Stoli Elit is refined using a freeze-filtration process. Russians once poured vodka into wooden barrels and stuck them outdoors in the frigid winter. This caused the contents to freeze, with only the purest vodka remaining liquid at its center. That part is known as the "alpha," and is what's used for Elit.

NEW GAME: Guess What? this food is called (I know, looks more like something else huh?).

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I Sip

and the winner is...................David Cliff

The picture of the car is of a Dacia Logan. The Dacia Logan is a car made by the French manufacturer Renault and Dacia of Romania. It is manufactured in Mioveni, Romania, in Colombia, Brazil, Russia, Morroco, Iran, India and South Africa. It’s also known as the Renault Logan, Nissan Aprio or Tondar 90.

Looking at the bottle can you Guess What??? brand this is?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Vroom Vroom

Vic came so close to winning but he forgot to sing a song from the album and post it on YouTube! HAHA Just Kidding!

Congrats to Vic! The picture was of Oppenheimer's self-titled album. They are an Irish Indie Pop duo.

Next Guess What? game:

Guess What the make and model of this car is.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Hear

Congrats to last week's winner Tri! The answer is Kibbeh!

Kibbeh, kibbe, or kubbeh is a Levantine Arab dish made of burghul and chopped meat. The best known variety is an egg shaped fried croquette stuffed with minced beef or lamb. Kibbeh is one of the most distinctive foods of Levantine cuisine, widespread in Syria, Lebanon, the Palestinian territories, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Cyprus (koupes or koubes), in Egypt (koubeiba), the Arabian Peninsula, Armenia and even Brazil.

New game! Guess the artist of this album cover.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Taste like chicken???

The winner of last week's Guess What? game is NHUNG! She is on a roll. She came closest by saying that it is used to look through the chicken eggs.

It's an X Rays Egg Tester. Also known as an egg candler, it was used for detecting embryonic development.

All this talk about chickens is making me hungry. For this week's game Guess What? this food item in the photo below is called?

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Last Week's answer to the Guess What? question is CHICKEN BUTT!!!

Nhung and Ngoc are the winners since Nhung answered CHICK and Ngoc finished it off with BUTT.

Congrats to both, they have been added to the winner's tally and so far Ngoc is in the lead. Anyone think they can beat her???

Below is a picture of this week's Guess What?

Guess WTF it is.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Picture that!

and last week's winner is.............troyboy14k. The blue mask is a Japanese Face Slimming mask.

Ok the next guessing game is a picture of something. Guess what this picture is of...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

In your face!

The answer to last week's guessing game is ALIGN!!! After many hints, we have a winner, NGOC!

This week's, I hope, is not as difficult, but challenging enough to still be fun. Below is a picture of an object. Guess what this is used for???

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Peace for your insides.

I just saw this on a television commericial.

Guess where the slogan "Peace for your insides" comes from. Which commerical?